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icon curriculum 64Institucional

Información descriptiva de la organización, estructura, normativa destacada.

       icon curriculum 64Estructura Representación gráfica de la estructura
       icon curriculum 64Curriculums de Altos Cargos

Relación de las funciones, cargos, formación académica y experiencia profesional. 

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explore subfolder image 1 ESTATUTOS
An Adobe Acrobat file ESTATUTS CONSOLIDATSDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Escriptura constitucio societat rectificada 01-06-2006 Nº 1438Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file escriptura estatuts constitució rectificació 2006 Nº 2259Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file modificació estatuts rectificacion 2010 Nº 1232Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file modificació estatuts rectificada 2010 Nº 1094Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2 NOMBRAMIENTOS
An Adobe Acrobat file Consejo de AdministraciónDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Word file HISTORIA LABORAL ALVARO SOLANA HIGUERADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Nombramiento GerenteDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 3 ESTRUCTURA ACTAS CA Y JG
explore subfolder image ACTAS
explore subfolder image CONSEJO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 01, 08-06-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 02, 06-07-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 03, 08-08-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 04, 02-10-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 05, 27-11-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 06, 21-12-06Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 07, 30-01-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 08, 06-03-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 09, 02-04-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 10, 27-04-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 11, 15-05-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 12, 25-05-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 13, 12-07-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 14, 27-07-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 15, 27-08-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 16, 28-09-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 17, 17-10-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 18, 28-11-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 19, 19-12-07Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 20, 28-01-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 21, 12-03-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 22, 02-04-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 23, 08-05-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 24,, 12-08-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 24, 29-05-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 25, 02-07-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 26, 28-07-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 27, 01-09-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 28, 18-09-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 29, 16-10-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 30, 12-12-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 31, 22-12-08Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 32, 02-02-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 33, 25-02-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 34, 25-03-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 35, 13-05-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 36, 01-06-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 37, 25-06-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 38, 15-07-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 39, 23-07-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 40, 06-08-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 41, 23-09-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 42, 02-11-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 43, 10-12-09Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 44, 27-01-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 45, 08-03-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 46, 12-04-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 47, 10-05-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 48, 19-05-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 49, 02-06-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 50, 17-06-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 51, 05-07-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 52, 21-07-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 53, 09-08-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 54, 01-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 55, 16-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 56, 30-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 57, 21-10-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 58, 04-11-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 59, 15-11-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 60, 13-12-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 61, 22-12-10Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 62, 05-01-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 63, 26-01-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 64, 21-02-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 65, 17-03-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 66, 31-03-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 67, 18-04-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 68, 04-05-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 69, 02-06-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 70, 10-06-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 71, 12-07-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 72, 01-08-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 73, 10-08-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 74, 14-09-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 75, 30-09-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 76, 31-10-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 77, 23-11-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 78, 19-12-11Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 79, 25-01-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 80, 29-02-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 81, 28-03-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 82, 26-04-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 83, 11-05-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 84, 24-05-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 85, 29-06-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 86, 24-07-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 87, 02-08-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 88, 14-09-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 89, 05-10-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 90, 05-11-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 91, 17-12-12Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 92, 25-01-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 93, 20-02-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 94, 22-03-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 95, 19-04-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 96, 24-05-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 97, 26-06-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 98, 23-07-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 99, 22-08-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 100, 16-09-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 101, 28-10-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 102, 27-11-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 103, 13-12-13Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 104, 24-01-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 105, 24-02-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 106, 24-03-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 107, 28-04-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 108, 26-05-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 109, 30-06-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 110, 29-07-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 111, 22-08-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 112, 17-09-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 113, 24-10-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 114, 27-11-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 115, 12-12-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 116, 30-01-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 117, 27-02-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 118, 27-03-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 119, 17-04-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 120, 08-05-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 121, 10-08-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 122, 31-08-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 123, 18-09-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 124, 23-10-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 125, 13-11-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 126, 02-12-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 127, 07-01-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 128, 19-01-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 129, 05-02-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 130, 17-03-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 131, 13-04-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 132, 24-05-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 133, 21-06-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 134, 21-07-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 136, 07-09-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 137, 14-10-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 138, 11-11-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 139, 24-11-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 140, 15-12-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 141, 13-01-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 142, 08-02-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 143, 23-02-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 144, 16-03-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 145, 07-04-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 146, 08-05-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 147, 01-06-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 148, 20-06-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 149, 13-07-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 150, 10-08-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 151, 11-09-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 152, 02-10-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 153, 26-10-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 154, 15-11-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 155, 27-11-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 156, 19-12-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 157, 16-01-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 158, 12-02-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 159, 05-03-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 160, 23-03-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 161, 23-04-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 162, 14-05-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 163, 05-06-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 164, 28-06-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 165, 18-07-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 166, 13-08-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 167, 13-09-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 168, 04-10-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 169, 31-10-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 170, 26-11-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 171, 20-12-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 172, 15-01-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 173, 07-02-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 174, 27-02-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 175; 15-03-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 176, 03-04-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 177, 17-04-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 178, 07-05-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 179, 09-07-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 180, 06-08-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 181, 16-09-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 182, 14_10_19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 183, 12-11-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 184, 29-11-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 185, 12-12-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 186, 21-01-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 187, 26-02-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 188, 17-03-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 189, 20-04-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 190, 11-05-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 191, 16-06-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 192, 30-07-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 193, 17-08-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 194, 05-10-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 195, 09-11-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 196, 14-12-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 197, 11-01-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 198, 15-02-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 199, 15-03-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 200, 21-04-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 201, 26-05-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 202, 14-06-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 203, 12-07-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 204, 24-08-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 205, 21-09-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 206, 26-10-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 207, 22-11-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 208, 13-12-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 209, 18-01-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 210, 22-02-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 211, 22-03-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 212, 13-04-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 213, 23-05-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 214, 21-06-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 215, 11-07-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 216, 22-08-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 217, 19-09-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 218, 28-10-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 219, 22-11-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 220, 20-12-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 221, 16-01-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 222, 22-02-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 223, 20-03-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 224, 04-04-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 225, 28-04-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 226, 18-05-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 227, 13-07-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 228, 28-07-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 229, 07-08-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 230, 18-09-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 231, 10-10-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 232, 10-11-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 233, 18-12-23Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 234, 18-01-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 235, 13-02-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 236, 12-03-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 237, 08-04-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 238, 14-05-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 239, 05-06-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 240, 27-06-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 241, 09-07-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 242, 12-08-24Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image JUNTA GENERAL
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 1, 8-07-2006Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 2, 19-10-2006Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 3, 19-04-2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 4, 5-07-2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 5, 20-12-2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 6, 10-07-2008Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 7, 04-12-2008Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 8, 05-07-2009Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 9, 1-10-2009Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 10, 17-06-2010Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 11, 7-10-2010Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 12, 3-08-2011Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 13, 5-10-2011Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 14, 5-06-2012Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 15, 8-10-2012Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 16, 11-12-2012Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 17, 15-04-2013Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 18, 27-11-2013Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 19, 11-06-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 20, 18-11-14 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 21, 09-04-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 22, 07-08-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 23, 10-12-15Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 24, 09-06-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 25, 12-12-16Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 26, 05-06-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 27, 11-12-17Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 28, 12-06-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 29, 11-12-18Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 30, 26-03-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 31, 02-07-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 32, 11-12-19Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 33, 23-04-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 34, 21-12-20Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 35, 19-04-21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG, 36, 20_12_21Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 37 PAGINAS ANULADAS 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 37, 13-04-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 38, 19-12-22Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 39, 24-04-23 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 40, 06-07-23 Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file JG. 41, 04_12_23 Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file Composición Organos de la SociedadDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file OrganigramaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file Retribuciones Altos CargosDownload Preceding File Preview the file
icon curriculum 64Economica Información sobre actos de gestión administrativa, con repercusión económica o presupuestaria, así como información estadística de relevancia.
icon curriculum 64Contratación Contratación y estadísticas de contratos
icon curriculum 64Convenios y encomiendas Convenios y encomiendas de gestión
icon curriculum 64Cuentas anuales e informes de gestión Cuentas anuales e informes de auditoría

icon curriculum 64Presupuestos


Presupuestos y su grado de ejecución

*Presupuestos Ejecución

*Estabilidad presupuestaria

icon curriculum 64Información estadística

Información estadística que permite valorar elgrado de cumplimiento de los servicios públicos

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explore subfolder image 1 CONTRATACION
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A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2023 1er tDownload Preceding File
A file of unknown type B57426736_2022_1Download Preceding File
A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2018 SEMDESA -SINDICATURA-Download Preceding File
A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2019 SEMDESA -SINDICATURA-Download Preceding File
A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2020 SEMDESA -SINDICATURA-Download Preceding File
A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2021 SEMDESA -SINDICATURA-Download Preceding File
A file of unknown type Contratos Menores 2022 SEMDESA -SINDICATURA-Download Preceding File
A Microsoft Excel file Operaciones con Terceros Download Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file RESUMEN CONTRATACION menoresDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file RESUMEN DE CONTRATACION MAYORESDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2 ENCOMIENDAS Y CRONOLOGÍA
explore subfolder image ENCOMIENDAS
A Microsoft Excel file Resumen de EncomiendasDownload Preceding File Preview the file
A Microsoft Excel file CronologíaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2006
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe Intervención 2006Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file comptes anuals 2006Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2007
An Adobe Acrobat file balanç 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file informe auditoria comptes 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file informe auditoria normativa 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file memoria 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file pèrdues i guanys 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2008
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE AUDITORIA Y CTAS ANUALES 2008Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTO 2008Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2009
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE AUDITORIA Y CTAS ANUALES 2009Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTO 2009Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2010
An Adobe Acrobat file Inf Auditoría y Ctas AnualesDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de CumplimientoDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2011
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE AUDITORIA Y CTAS ANUALESDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2012
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE AUDITORIA Y CTAS ANUALESDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2013
An Adobe Acrobat file BalanceDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Cuenta de pérdidas y gananciasDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Estado de cambios en el patrimonio netoDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Hojas informativasDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de auditoríaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de cumplimientoDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file MemoriaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2014
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de auditoríaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2015
An Adobe Acrobat file Cuentas Anuales y AuditoríaDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de cumplimientoDownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2016
An Adobe Acrobat file Cuentas Anuales y Auditoria 2016Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de Cumplimiento 2016Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2017
An Adobe Acrobat file Cuentas Anuales y Auditoria 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe de Cumplimiento 2017Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2018
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2018 CTAS ANUALES E INFORME AUDITORIA FINANCIERADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2018 INFORME CUMPLIMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2019
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2019 CTAS ANUALES E INFORME AUDITORIA FINANCIERADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2019 INFORME CUMPLIMIENTODownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2020
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2020 CTAS ANUALES E INFORME AUDITORIA FINANCIERADownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2020 INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE NORMATIVADownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2021
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2021 CTAS ANUALESDownload Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file SEMDESA 2021 INFORME DE CUMPLIMIENTO DE NORMATIVADownload Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2022
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe Aud. Cumplimiento 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe Aud. Operativa 2022Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Informe Auditoria Financiera 2002Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 2023
An Adobe Acrobat file Auditoría Cumplimiento 2023Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Auditoría Financiera 2023Download Preceding File Preview the file
An Adobe Acrobat file Auditoría Operativa 2023Download Preceding File Preview the file
explore subfolder image 4 PRESUPUESTOS
An Adobe Acrobat file 2007Download Preceding File Preview the file
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explore subfolder image 1 INSTITUCIONAL
explore subfolder image 1 ESTATUTOS
An Adobe Acrobat file ESTATUTS CONSOLIDATSDownload Preceding File Preview the file 503.49 KB 2024-07-04 08:14:30
An Adobe Acrobat file Escriptura constitucio societat rectificada 01-06-2006 Nº 1438Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.57 MB 2021-03-23 12:05:47
An Adobe Acrobat file escriptura estatuts constitució rectificació 2006 Nº 2259Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.91 MB 2016-09-25 00:17:22
An Adobe Acrobat file modificació estatuts rectificacion 2010 Nº 1232Download Preceding File Preview the file 1.14 MB 2021-03-23 12:05:48
An Adobe Acrobat file modificació estatuts rectificada 2010 Nº 1094Download Preceding File Preview the file 3.58 MB 2016-09-25 00:17:22
explore subfolder image 2 NOMBRAMIENTOS
An Adobe Acrobat file Consejo de AdministraciónDownload Preceding File Preview the file 2.61 MB 2024-07-04 08:14:30
A Microsoft Word file HISTORIA LABORAL ALVARO SOLANA HIGUERADownload Preceding File Preview the file 12.86 KB 2016-09-15 15:47:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Nombramiento GerenteDownload Preceding File Preview the file 466.33 KB 2016-09-15 15:47:26
explore subfolder image 3 ESTRUCTURA ACTAS CA Y JG
explore subfolder image ACTAS
explore subfolder image CONSEJO DE ADMINISTRACIÓN
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 01, 08-06-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 158.74 KB 2016-09-15 15:48:17
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 02, 06-07-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 171.81 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:49
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 03, 08-08-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 256.25 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:54
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 04, 02-10-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 380.11 KB 2021-03-23 12:05:15
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 05, 27-11-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 222.91 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:12
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 06, 21-12-06Download Preceding File Preview the file 159.68 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:30
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 07, 30-01-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 180.53 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:17
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 08, 06-03-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 296.75 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:10
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 09, 02-04-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 171.88 KB 2021-03-23 12:05:16
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 10, 27-04-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 221.83 KB 2016-09-15 15:48:21
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 11, 15-05-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 163.9 KB 2016-09-15 15:49:39
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 12, 25-05-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 108.4 KB 2016-09-15 15:50:50
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 13, 12-07-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 201.82 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:25
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 14, 27-07-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 113.95 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:22
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 15, 27-08-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 102.28 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:33
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 16, 28-09-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 236.3 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:32
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 17, 17-10-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 90.27 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:37
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 18, 28-11-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 140.69 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:42
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 19, 19-12-07Download Preceding File Preview the file 127.13 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:45
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 20, 28-01-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 175.91 KB 2016-09-15 15:51:58
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 21, 12-03-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 257.97 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:01
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 22, 02-04-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 174.53 KB 2021-03-23 12:05:43
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 23, 08-05-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 241.28 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:12
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 24,, 12-08-24Download Preceding File Preview the file 2.07 MB 2024-09-12 10:19:33
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 24, 29-05-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 244.67 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:19
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 25, 02-07-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 150.33 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:19
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 26, 28-07-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 190.75 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:27
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 27, 01-09-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 279.74 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:39
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 28, 18-09-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 261.13 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:37
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 29, 16-10-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 144 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:46
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 30, 12-12-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 213.46 KB 2016-09-15 15:52:54
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 31, 22-12-08Download Preceding File Preview the file 155.3 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:02
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 32, 02-02-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 360.29 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:10
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 33, 25-02-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 116.16 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:11
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 34, 25-03-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 149.64 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:22
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 35, 13-05-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 182.34 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:22
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 36, 01-06-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 243.76 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:34
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 37, 25-06-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 215.36 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:30
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 38, 15-07-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 167.35 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:40
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 39, 23-07-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 102.96 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:40
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 40, 06-08-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 117.6 KB 2016-09-15 15:53:49
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 41, 23-09-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 266.67 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:03
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 42, 02-11-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 229.37 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:15
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 43, 10-12-09Download Preceding File Preview the file 305.61 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:20
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 44, 27-01-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 357.32 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:29
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 45, 08-03-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 226.1 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:30
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 46, 12-04-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 337.59 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:45
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 47, 10-05-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 244.79 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:48
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 48, 19-05-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 273.72 KB 2016-09-15 15:54:58
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 49, 02-06-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 576.76 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:13
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 50, 17-06-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 166.2 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:22
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 51, 05-07-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 300.31 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:28
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 52, 21-07-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 273.19 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:41
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 53, 09-08-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 194.1 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:44
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 54, 01-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 315.83 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:58
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 55, 16-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 213.38 KB 2016-09-15 15:55:59
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 56, 30-09-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 192.55 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:10
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 57, 21-10-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 201.1 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:12
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 58, 04-11-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 198.51 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:20
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 59, 15-11-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 244.91 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:26
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 60, 13-12-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 279.75 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:38
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 61, 22-12-10Download Preceding File Preview the file 191.45 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:42
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 62, 05-01-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 208.83 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:49
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 63, 26-01-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 125.96 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:52
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 64, 21-02-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 110.69 KB 2016-09-15 15:56:53
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 65, 17-03-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 173.35 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:01
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 66, 31-03-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 172.21 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:02
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 67, 18-04-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 134.26 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:06
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 68, 04-05-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 117.92 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:08
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 69, 02-06-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 124.03 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:15
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 70, 10-06-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 71.42 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:19
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 71, 12-07-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 170.37 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:25
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 72, 01-08-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 161.89 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:28
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 73, 10-08-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 148.54 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:33
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 74, 14-09-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 216.74 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:42
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 75, 30-09-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 159.22 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:44
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 76, 31-10-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 135.26 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:48
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 77, 23-11-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 172.51 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:55
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 78, 19-12-11Download Preceding File Preview the file 237.39 KB 2016-09-15 15:57:59
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 79, 25-01-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 287.8 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:09
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 80, 29-02-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 233.61 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:19
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 81, 28-03-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 352.7 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:28
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 82, 26-04-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 169.06 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:31
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 83, 11-05-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 228.65 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:43
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 84, 24-05-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 180.9 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:40
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 85, 29-06-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 214.5 KB 2016-09-15 15:58:52
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 86, 24-07-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 354.55 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:03
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 87, 02-08-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 121.47 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:02
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 88, 14-09-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 202.91 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:11
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 89, 05-10-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 107.06 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:13
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 90, 05-11-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 115.99 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:20
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 91, 17-12-12Download Preceding File Preview the file 433.67 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:42
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 92, 25-01-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 243.49 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:34
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 93, 20-02-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 143.83 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:40
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 94, 22-03-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 328.82 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:54
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 95, 19-04-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 121.39 KB 2016-09-15 15:59:50
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 96, 24-05-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 212.94 KB 2016-09-15 16:00:03
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 97, 26-06-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 165.75 KB 2016-09-15 16:00:03
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 98, 23-07-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 372.57 KB 2016-09-15 16:00:20
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 99, 22-08-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 217.1 KB 2016-09-15 16:00:12
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 100, 16-09-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 239.36 KB 2016-09-15 15:48:29
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 101, 28-10-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 361.01 KB 2016-09-15 15:48:40
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 102, 27-11-13Download Preceding File Preview the file 483.08 KB 2016-09-15 15:48:54
An Adobe Acrobat file CA, 103, 13-12-13